There is always a sense of connection with an artwork I have created so it is soooo lovely to see where a piece finds its new home .....
To see that it has travelled and found its way to a space in which it seems it was meant to be , where it is 'at home' - that makes me smile and, in this case, it also brought a tear to my eye.
Many thanks to the collector for sharing.
Hope (green, top left) is also featured in @degreeart Collectors' Bulletin along with other pieces which have connected artists, creativity and collectors.
Commission - signed, sealed, delivered!
CommentWhere Wrens and Hawks Soar has been delivered to a "delighted client" and that makes me happy. Art is so personal to both the artist and the viewer. When I create - there is just me and the paint working together in a zone of creativity. When the painting is complete, it takes on a new life for someone else so it is important to me that it enhances the space they live in.